:-|Past Mars life after 14.8 billons years after time big bang inside produced gas born that's a planet.
:-|past time mars have hardly an environment and atmosphere. Maybe not but I am surely about it. Past time mars costly life support planet was that's time.
:-|past Mars planet life support planet.because there we get full information about it. That's the planet that's past time surely life support planet.
:-| Red planet of mars our past time life support planet was it.
So really questions put up. Today mars magnetic power and hard atmosphere and that's the life where was it.
:-| That's question answered about it we don't give. Because that's time surely someone's activities were there. While mars' planet destroyed was it his atmosphere and end of life.
Future mars planet, not a similar past planet. Past Mars has our time life support planet and today mars not a life support. Future Mars planet, not a look like thinking about it. That's planet billions of years ago life support planet was it. But future mars planet has a behave red gaint rock planet. And only rock and big volcano here was it.
:-|Why was the reason destroyed of Red gaint planet?????
Maybe that's time someone activities or a big incident was there's. Because it's not possible any object attack that's a planet. And destroyed of that's surface volcano gas produces like suffer and methanes. That's gas many times produces. It's effect destroyed by that's the atmosphere.
:-|Many theorize was it. But I am sure about it. Mars planet that's time life support planet. Because his evidence NASA rover investigation find out it . That's a surface water source, was it?
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