1. - DENIS-P J082303.1-491201 b
- that's exoplanets invention and Discovered by Sahlmann using the ESO telescopes at the La Silla Paranal Observatory
- that' exoplanets Mass: 28.5±1.9 MJ
- tests exoplanets Discovery date in August 2013 innovation by.
- Orbital period: 246.36+1.38; −1.35 days
the biggest planet of our universe one of them. In this planet-size very time big gaint planet. it's size approximately 1.1 earth billions time. its planet-size doesn't compare them, it compares never star they actual size we know. So on this planet a very size gaint planet.
2- HD 100546 b
- that's exoplanets discovered - 2013.
- that's exoplanets Mass (m) -20 MJ6.9+2.7/−2.9- R
- thats exoplants Radius(r):6.9+2.7/-2.9
- thats exoplanets Temperature (T): 932+193/-202
one biggest planet one of them . because that's planet WASP-17B is made of several gassed exposing material we don't know that planet the of actual size this planet. That's planet fully research we don't do. But I am sure about it. That's a planet some mistress information we give coming soon.
3- Kepler-39b
- It is a Jupiter-like planet or brown dwarf that is eighteen times more massive than Jupiter and 1.22 times Jupiter's size.
- that's Discovered by François Bouchy et al that's exoplanet Orbital period 21 days only.
- planets were Discovered 3 August 2011
That's planet was discovered's planet very maximum time big and very closely sun. I this planet very nearly sun was it. It's a very hot Surface. Since the planet, it's so big and close to the sun. an Nd it's complete rotation around the sun just 24 hours.
4 - Kappa Andromedae b
- It is a substellar object and massive planet or brown dwarf orbiting Kappa Andromedae of the Andromeda constellation.
- that's exoplanets Discovered through Subaru Telescope that's exoplanets Radius 85,790 km, was it.
Our universe very the biggest planet one of them, that's planet found in 2006 by NASA. His planet billions of times after his atmosphere change it.a and his changed our size. His change is caused by temperature changes.h en the temperature rises, the same size of Jupiter.w hen temperature drop(about200k), the mass grow Jupiter 16x size. and 16000 volumes of earth.
5- HAT-P-1b
- that's exoplanets Discovered by HATNet Project (It is a network of six small fully automated "HAT" telescopes.)
- that's exoplanets Radius: 94,298 km
- that's exoplanets Gravity: 7.355 m/s²
- that's exoplanets Distance to Earth: 520.9 light-years
- that's exoplanets Discovered on 14 September 2006, was discovered.
hat's planet discovered by NASA telescope he Kepler telescope. That's planet very maximum time big gaint size. Thought about it. Very big maximum time planet. His size 16x Jupiter.
6- WASP-12b
- that's exoplanets Discovered by Mandushev.
- that's exoplanets Radius 128,614 km in our universe.
- that's exoplanets Discovered 2007.
- that's exoplanets Orbital period 85 hours.
That's planet one of the largest, biggest,gaint,moster every called this planet. Because that's planet-size our thoughts out of, but it's actual size known for its, the planet covered like gas other planets in our solar system.t he gassed are trapped in the planet atmosphere making the condition r any living creatures crew hardly and unthinkable.
8. WAP-17b
- that's exoplanets Radius: 121,645 km
- that's exoplaentsDistance to Earth: 978.5 light-years
- that's exoplanets Orbital period: 90 hours
- that's exoplanets discovered 11 August 2009.
That's the planet has two suns. Yes, that's right, that's phenomenon binary sun. If you want to experience sunset one day you, unfortunately, have to travel 3700 light-years. The planet is old as but looks more like Jupiter.
9 Kepler-164
- that's exoplanets Discovery date: June 13, 2016
- that's exoplanet mass (m): 1.52±0.65 MJ
- that's exoplanets Radius(r) 1.06±0.0123 RJ
That's planet's biggest planet our universe one of them. it's a size like our eye. Like diamond safe that's planet size. Two layers that are planet inside was it.weightof the diamond that might be hidden on this planet could be a 500,000 ligation.
10. Cancri 55 e
- that's exoplanets Mass (m): 7.99 +0.32/ −0.33 M
- It is an exoplanet located in the Cancer constellation that' exoplanets Mass (m): 7.99+0.32/-0.33.
- that's exoplanets Radius 1.875+- 0.029R
If someone managed to bring that amount of diamond to earth, It would make diamonds valuable sand. 1. The planet consistent which in and making process. 2. The temperature levels are 3900F.b other adds up to the perfect co carbonation for diamond.
Our universe very largest, no the largest, it's infinity. So that's universe many biggest giant planet are here. So some planet our thoughts up big. And the big planet our universe suitable is there. Around years ago big bang time very billons years after star-planet born it. Some today giant planet that's time born it.
Because some planet destroyed big planet inside. While his size increases billons years.
Our universe giant planet maximum crowd of our universe, some planet our solar system like Jupiter. It's a planet born some billons years ago. Any some planet big gaint around our universe.
The exact size of the planet has been impossible to calculate, but due to the comparison of other nearby stars, it may have an idea.
The exact size of the planet has been impossible to calculate, but due to the comparison of other nearby stars, it may have an idea.
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