Why are called earth and Venus planet twin?


Billons years ago Venus and earth planet stein sister planet because thstha born 4 billons years old one time .

 So that's planet past time on size atmosphere and many object similar

. Billons years old time Venus maybe thardly atmosphere and maybe thats tile Venus life support planet

 because NASA rover investigation find out Venus surface water source.

Venus and earth planet billons years old. Past time  Venus maybe life support planet was it.

 Because that's time Venus and earth many similarities. That's time Venus NASA invitation according Venus surface find clearly water source was there it.

 Because thstst time maybe Venus life support atmosphere and hardy layer . And life sippsup gas.  But today Venus totalyt different of past Venus

. Todsy Venus very hot surface, not a life support environment and not a atmosphere. And dangers gas like suffer was there it.

Past time Venus different for today Venus . But past time earth and tpdayttime earth very similarly. But billons years old earth not a hard atmosphere not a life support gas like oxygen.

 Amd many research's according different theorise . But I am surely surely about it. That's time some activities was there it.

Thought about it. Billons years old earth and Venus how was look like Venus has a life support planet and EARTH not a life support planet . Because that's time earth today Venus.

  And EARTH past Venus life support planet. Earth and Venus twin sister planet one time born was it. But while get-together born it

. So why was some changes are there sisters planet so big change that's reason. So that's time Venus surface water source and rock similar today earth and chemicals structure and Physically structurewill be changed it.

 But that time Venus atmosphere hard and mlife support object was there's. But today Venus that's not look like anything objects not clearly find out it.

 So what reason was there's that's time while how was reason that's give a big change

Earth planet past time a not a life support planet. But today earth life support planet. So how was the changes of that's time was it.

So that's reason clearly investigation while earth future Venus . Because today time Venus not a past Venus . It's fully change it. So here dangers gas produces every time and big volcano gas produces it. TjThat surface very hot. Because everywhere magma around surface.

 So that's surface not a life leaving and Venus atmosphere dangers gas produces destroyed it.

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Why do murcury and Venus have 0 moons?

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