Thought about how was born nebulas


What are nebulas

Nebulas were made by a supernova explosion that's explosion around 10 billons years old ago that's an explosion inside very billons dust gas hydrogen and other gas supernova explosion inside very big gas that's mixture born giant nebulas we don't know how was nebulas inside there what here activities. And nebulas inside out very hot gas that's make new star how was a look  at a star that's inside born star a giant stars and nebulas very light-years  and nebulas inside many ray's like gamma rays traveling around it they inside plasma gas that's gas very dangers and harmful  and nebulas very long kilometers away from that's inside ray 


1-Monkey Head Nebula

Nebula type: Emission nebula
– Constellation: Orion
– Coordinates: RA 06h 09.7m | Dec. +20°30′
– Distance: 6,400 light years
– Diameter: 40 degrees
– Magnitude: 6.8
– Other designations: NGC 2174

2-Stingray Nebula

Nebula type: Planetary nebula
– Constellation: Ara
– Coordinates: RA 17h 16m 21.071s | Dec. -59° 29’ 23.64”
– Distance: 18,000 light years
– Diameter: App. 130 times the diameter of the solar system
– Magnitude: 10.75
– Age: 27 years (First observed by Hubble in 1990)
– Other designations: Hen 3-1357, PN G331

3-Planetary nebula

 Constellation: Ara
– Coordinates: RA 17h 16m 21.071s | Dec. -59° 29’ 23.64”
– Distance: 18,000 light years
– Diameter: App. 130 times the diameter of the solar system
– Magnitude: 10.75
– Age: 27 years (First observed by Hubble in 1990)
– Other designations: Hen 3-1357, PN G331

4-Dark nebula

Constellation: Musca
– Coordinates: RA 12h 25m 00s | Dec. -71° 42′ 00?
– Distance: 700 light-years
– Diameter: ˜3 degrees
– Other designations: Sandqvist 149, CG 21, BHR 80, TGU H1875, DCld 301.7-07.2, [DB2002b] G301.70-7.16

5-Coalsack Nebula

Nebula type: Dark nebula
– Constellation: Crux
– Coordinates: RA 12h 50m | Dec. -62° 30′
– Distance: 600 light years
– Diameter: 30–35 light years (radius)
– Other designations: C99

6-Leo Ring

Constellation: Leo
– Coordinates: RA 10h 48m 19.0s | Dec. +12° 41′ 21?
– Distance: 38 (± 4.6) × 106 light years
– Diameter: ± 650,000 light years
– Age: App. 1 billion years

7-Barnard’s Loop

 Constellation: Orion
– Coordinates: RA 05h 27.5m | Dec. -03° 58′
– Distance: 518 or 1,434 light years, depending on the source consulted
– Diameter: 10 degrees (600 minutes of arc as seen from Earth)
– Magnitude: 5
– Age: About 2 million years
– Other designations: Sh 2-276

8-Double Helix Nebula

Nebula type: Emission
– Constellation: Sagittarius
– Distance: 25,000 light-years
– Location: About 300 light years from the galactic centre

9-Crescent Nebula

Constellation: Cygnus
– Coordinates: RA 20h 12m 7s | Dec. +38° 21.3′
– Distance: 5,000 light years
– Diameter: 18’ × 12’
– Magnitude: 7.4
– Other designations: NGC 6888, Sharpless 105, Caldwell 27

Our earth besides nebulas

Our solar system closely related nebulas that's called a horse nebulas that's nebulas very bright and long nebulas that's nebulas 20 billons light years away that's nebulas inside many  more stars born them his nebulas many long kilometres and brightness very high that's nebulas born around 10 billinsbyears ago that's explosion million years after every nebulas born it that's star our 
 megnetigpower push gas and born new star some nebulas around it very long kilometres nebulas inside out very dangers and hot place
Crab nebulas

Crab nebulas very giant nebulas on our universe that's nebulas around it 50 billons light years ago that's nebulas  and inside out many star born it that's nebulas traveling around 3,336, 000 kilometres away and one year travelling
31,536, 000 seconds light years distsndes

Thank youπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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