HIDDEN Story HOW WAS EARTH Born???😱😱😱😱😱😱😁😁😁
Our earth solar system 4 planet. Earth past time history very dangerous and mistrpumo earth planet born approximately 13.5 billons years ago but earth past time very mistrous that's universe 1,3rd part universe.
Earth planet past time not a life source and no here oxygen and other life support product. Earth past time astroid bombardments in earth surface and that's planet that's time similarly today Venus.
That's times earth very big volcanos and that's surface very hot. And that's environment dangers gas produces and earth was born very mistrous because we dontdoknow .
Different theorise according many thesis. So earth billons years old time attacking astroid thay surface that's time earth new new born it .
EartbEh megnetig power that's time not a grouth it. So earth surface that's time inner solar system astroyedbelt came rocks and ice rock down on earth surface earth. Born time many small planet earth down on earth they meterima up to universe.
So that's planet born time earth we don't think that's planet our home.
Earth planet past time not a life source and no here oxygen and other life support product. Earth past time astroid bombardments in earth surface and that's planet that's time similarly today Venus.
That's times earth very big volcanos and that's surface very hot. And that's environment dangers gas produces and earth was born very mistrous because we dontdoknow .
Different theorise according many thesis. So earth billons years old time attacking astroid thay surface that's time earth new new born it .
EartbEh megnetig power that's time not a grouth it. So earth surface that's time inner solar system astroyedbelt came rocks and ice rock down on earth surface earth. Born time many small planet earth down on earth they meterima up to universe.
So that's planet born time earth we don't think that's planet our home.
So we are thinking about it .may be that's planet life source where are came for here and maybe life source like ammonia mineral and water where was came here. Many research's according different theorise it. But I am surely and fully confirm thatst theorise appositely true
. Because anyone planet anybody solar system came here and our life source throughout down earth surface billons years ago earth like a rock plaent that's time was simmlsi today Mars not a environment not a atmosphere so that's WASEARTH nobody that time life here.
So that's theory rite because out of solar system anyone planet any solar dudtemshere and maybe that's times any one planet that's time life it
. So that's time planet maybe came and destroyed down earth surface snd that's time started life here life base source bacteria s and that's build life.
Thank you all.
. Because anyone planet anybody solar system came here and our life source throughout down earth surface billons years ago earth like a rock plaent that's time was simmlsi today Mars not a environment not a atmosphere so that's WASEARTH nobody that time life here.
So that's theory rite because out of solar system anyone planet any solar dudtemshere and maybe that's times any one planet that's time life it
. So that's time planet maybe came and destroyed down earth surface snd that's time started life here life base source bacteria s and that's build life.
Thank you all.
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